Abraham Hurtado
La Algaida, 1972
La Algaida, 1972
Abraham Hurtado is an artist with a prolific career, whose practice is based on constant artistic research and experimentation having very diverse expressions.
Difficult to frame in a discipline or format, his work is traversed by a line of research "body in crisis."
Digging in human behavior as a response to a society's condition for its means of production and the commodification of all ways of thinking and being, has become a need.
Hurtado understands the body as the container of the emotions, both personal and social; seeking to expose the desolation and collateral damage kept in itself, after going through traumatic events or intense life experiences.
Digging in human behavior as a response to a society's condition for its means of production and the commodification of all ways of thinking and being, has become a need.
Hurtado understands the body as the container of the emotions, both personal and social; seeking to expose the desolation and collateral damage kept in itself, after going through traumatic events or intense life experiences.
Body has its own language and can deeply express itself through its image and its presence. Reacting to the excess of information -not knowledge- and the predominance of the mind, the body blocks, collapses, finds difficulties in relating to one another, generating patterns of “antisocial behavior” such as agorafobia, psicosis, panic, anxiety, states that Abraham explores as a paths to find other ways to operate, to adapt and survive the contemporary society
Fictionary atmospheres are often the settings in which the bodies are installed, as a counterbalance of the cynicism and disillusion that are constantly shadowing our current times.
Fictionary atmospheres are often the settings in which the bodies are installed, as a counterbalance of the cynicism and disillusion that are constantly shadowing our current times.
His work penetrates in the subconscious of the audience, its rawness can create a discomfort as is constantly mirroring us, addressing, through the individual experience, problems which are political and symptomatic. If the personal is political, the political invades the core of every individual.
To fully understand these processes and the folds of his own body of work, A. Hurtado has started to invite other artists to experiment with his methodology and where they can generate new artworks in response.
Abraham has developed his practice in different media such as performance, installation, audiovisual installation, photography, editorial, apps and sound art.
- Elena Azzedin
To fully understand these processes and the folds of his own body of work, A. Hurtado has started to invite other artists to experiment with his methodology and where they can generate new artworks in response.
Abraham has developed his practice in different media such as performance, installation, audiovisual installation, photography, editorial, apps and sound art.
- Elena Azzedin